

TOPリスク研究センター経済学部附属リスク研究センターリスク研開催イベント情報2009年度セミナー・講演会情報一覧 ≫ セミナー 2009/10/26

セミナー 2009/10/26

講師:Reinhard Drifte氏(ニューカッスル大学名誉教授)

演題:Risk management of the territorial disputes in the East China Sea
日時: 平成21年10月26日(月)16:10~18:00
会場: 第二校舎棟 545共同研究室
司会: ロバート・アスピノール教授 (本学経済学部)
講演: 英語 質疑応答:日本語
Prof.Drifte 司会のProf.Aspinall
The focus of the talk was the dispute over the sovereignty of Senkaku/Diaoyu islands and the delimitation of the maritime border between Japan and China. The latter dispute is about the choice of which part of international law to select for deciding where the maritime border should be since neither country can claim the normal 200 nautical miles Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) because the distance between the two countries is less than 400 nautical miles. China bases its claim of the extended continental shelf theory which would take the maritime border to the west of Okinawa, whereas Japan proposes to divide the overlapping area of the 2 EEZs.
The current situation poses several risks. Firstly, an inability to solve the dispute risks spoiling other parts of the Japan-China relationship. Secondly, the continuation of the dispute makes it difficult for Japan to exploit the natural resources of the area because private companies are reluctant to invest time and money in development there while a state of uncertainty persists. Finally, there is the danger of tension rising so high that it prompts a naval arms race between Japan and China.
Professor Drifte talked about various failures to manage this dispute well on the part of both parties. In particular the Japanese stance that there is “nothing to discuss” meant that Japan failed to exploit a period of time when Japanese technological superiority gave them some leverage over China in discussions of joint development projects.
In conclusion, Professor Drifte pointed out that this case shows that common economic interests do not necessarily facilitate compromise. Economic interests can be trumped by nationalistic politics (in both countries) that view the Sentaku dispute as a zero-sum territorial issue that can only have one winner. (文責 ロバート・アスピノール)

英ニューカッスル大名誉教授. 仏のポウ大学客員教授・立命館大学客員教授.

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