セミナー 2007/6/1
Andrew Dewit氏(立教大学経済政策学科経済学研究科教授)
日時: 平成19年6月1日(金)14:30~16:30
会場: 経済学部第二校舎棟5階 545共同研究室
司会: ロバート・アスピノール教授 (本学経済学部)
Professor DeWit began by talking about the ‘age of oil’ and how oil fueled the development of the industrial world in the Twentieth Century. He argued that the importance of oil lay in its positive externalities, i.e. its high energy density, its low cost of production etc. In spite of these benefits, a national reliance on oil in the case of Japan has also entailed serious negative externalities. Thus one of the motives for Japan’s attack on American bases and invasion of South East Asia in 1941 was the quest to secure alternative supplies of oil after supplies from the United States were cut off. Professor DeWit posed the provocative question: was the Pacific War (1941-45) the “first energy war”?
Postwar Japan soon became more dependent on oil than prewar Japan had been. When the first oil shock struck in 1973 Japan was dependent on oil for 77.4% of its primary energy. Furthermore most of this oil came from the Middle East. Conventional wisdom says that Japan learned a lesson form the oil shocks of the 1970s and diversified its energy supplies. However Professor DeWit shows that the availability of cheaper oil in the 1990s combined with an energy policy that played down the needs of energy security in favour of the need to get cheap energy to help Japan’s troubled economy, has lead to a return to over-dependency on oil.
Professor DeWit went on to argue that the Japanese government’s short-sighted policy on energy also has consequences for the nation’s policy on global warming. There is now no doubt among scientists that global warming is a reality. Professor Dewit argues that this should create opportunities for Japanese high-tech companies in providing new environmental technology for which there will surely be a huge demand. Prime Minister Abe, however, seems too intent on following American President George W. Bush who is moving very cautiously in response to the dangers of global warming. DeWit points out, however, that it is a mistake so see President Bush as the true face of America on environmental policy. He suggests that Japan would be better off following the example of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Governor of California, who is boosting renewable energy sources in his state. California aims to have 20% of its energy supplied by renewable sources by the year 2017. In contrast Japan’s target for the year 2014 is the much more modest 1.63%. Professor DeWit urged Japanese policy-makers to urgently re-think both national energy policy, and policy with respect to global warming.(by Robert Aspinall)
デウィット教授は、まず「石油の時代」について、そして石油がいかに20世紀の産業発展のいわば燃料補給に貢献したかについて話し始められた。教授は、石油の重要性は、その正の外部性 すなわちエネルギーとしての密度の濃さ、生産の低価格性などにあるとする。これらの利点に反し、国としての日本の石油依存は、深刻な負の外部性をもひきずってきた。例えば、1941年の日本のアメリカ真珠湾攻撃と東南アジア侵略であるが、その目的のひとつはアメリカから供給を断たれた石油の代替供給の確保を求めてのことであった。デウィット教授は、我々に次のような挑発的な疑問を投げかけた:「太平洋戦争(1941~45)は最初のエネルギー戦争ではなかったのか?」
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