

TOPリスク研究センター経済学部附属リスク研究センターリスク研開催イベント情報2004年度セミナー・講演会情報一覧 ≫ セミナー 2004/12/9-1

セミナー 2004/12/9-1


Shee Poon Kim 氏

「Building an East Asian Economic Community:
Political and Security Risks」

日時: 平成16年12月9日(木)13:30~15:30 
会場: 滋賀大学 陵水会館 会議室
司会: 小田野純丸教授 (本学経済学部)
要約:With Dr. Mahathir's (former Prime Minister of Malaysia) proposal of an East Asian Economic Grouping in 1990, East Asian states have been showing growing interest in the idea of constructing an East Asian Economic Community since the post-cold war era. This trend toward regionalism could be seen from Koizumi's speech in Singapore in January 2002, exhorting ASEAN together with Japan to create an Asian community under his framework of a Japan/ASEAN Comprehensive Economic Partnership in the 21st century. In October 2002, former Prime Minister of Singapore, Goh Chok Tong proposed the creation of an ASEAN Economic Community by 2020.
This seminar will focus on analyzing the political and security risks involved in the efforts of creating an East Asian Economic Community.
These risks include:
1) possible war between China and Taiwan over the Taiwan independence movement;
2) the nuclear crisis in the Korean Peninsula;
3) potential armed conflicts in the South China Sea;
4) the US anti-terrorism war in Southeast Asia.

                TEL:0749-27-1404(内線396) FAX:0749-27-1189
                 e-mail address:risk@biwako.shiga-u.ac.jp


滋賀大学経済学部 Faculty of Economics, Shiga University

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